Hey, let’s just have some fun today and talk PERKS! Because you know we would not choose to be a blogger if there wasn’t some perks!
There is a lot of hard work. It IS a job. But it comes with some upsides that I in particular really love!
Blogger Perk #5 – You’re not chained to a desk
Okay, well…some days I feel chained to my desk, but I have OPTIONS! I am not chained to a desk in an office where I can’t go anywhere else to work! I can work at my desk, in front of my TV, the kitchen table, or at Starbucks!
I did my time…10 years at desks. I just feel like I am more productive when I am free to change my environment.
Blogger Perk #4 – You always have snacks at the ready
This is as much about OPTIONS again as availability. When I worked in an office, the only options were the vending machine down the hall! I feel like I can maintain more healthy eating when I work from home…PERK!
Blogger Perk #3 – You are your own boss!
I have to believe that we have all worked for some not-so-easy-to-work-for bosses. But truthfully, if we work for someone else, we SHOULD be working hard for them. But what is great about blogging is that we can work hard and we get to reap the rewards! Being your own boss is the best!
Blogger Perk #2 – There’s no dress code.
Get paid for working in your underwear, jammies, or yoga pants! Ahhh comfort. This is the life. I know you are with me. I have so few “work clothes”. I break them out for church or speaking engagements. But oh…and the foot comfort! OMG I don’t have to wear dress shoes every day! Yeah, this is heavenly.
Blogger Perk #1 – Make Money While You Sleep
And finally, it is my favorite perk…the passive income. Even when it is only pennies…there is something so satisfying about making money when I am not blogging. I have the Adsense app, and it can be nice to check it in the middle of a day when I’m not working, and see the amount go up and up! And I sell digital goods, and so that happens without me doing anything…no packing or shipping!
Thanks for having some fun with me today! I hope you enjoy your job as much as I do!
Love it!! Great list~
Yep, those are good perks! Although I’m ready to see my Adsense go up up up lol still technically a newb 😉
Here are my things that I love about Blogging and which keep me going.
1) Being the Boss of your Own
I don’t have to follow anyone’s instructions. I can do whatever I want and earn money however I want. There is no one to force me go for affiliate marketing or force me go for sponsored guest posts. I decide for myself not somebody else.
2) No Need for Editor or Relationships
I don’t need to be a great writer or have strong relationships with powerful people in order to publish my content. I can write articles, publish an ebook or post a research without asking anyone. With just one click on Publish button, I reach the whole World which consists 0f 7 continents.
3) Not limited in a Region
I don’t work on local or provincial level. I work internationally, I have my clients in each and every continent on this planet. My opportunities are not limited. I always have plenty of work on my desk to keep food on my plate.
Thanks for sharing your tips 🙂
Hope you liked mine too ^_^
I found this post on pinterest 🙂
These are great additions! It really is a flexible job!
These are great perks! I get to enjoy most of these…with the exception of Adsense…someday!
Great perks, all of them. Plus, I don’t have to answer the phone, the door, or go anywhere. Hence, I am still in my jammies!