You are looking to make money working from home as a blogger. Awesome. Chances are you know that you have what it takes to hack it as a professional blogger and have taken the steps necessary to start a blog the right way. If you haven’t set up your blog yet, you can learn how […]
WP Plugins
How Do I Make My Blog Secure From Hackers?
I personally have not had anyone hack my blog. Which I am very happy about! But it is a really big deal when it happens. I want you to know how to make your blog secure from hackers. Why do they want to hack your blog? sometimes just for sport they want to steal your […]
What Plugins should I install before I start Blogging?
If you are a new blogger, chances are you are wondering what plugins should I install before I start blogging? First, a word about Jetpack. What is Jetpack? It is a “package” of Plugins. It is basically a set of plugins that are helpful for blogging and so they packaged them all together and pre-installed […]