If you are a new blogger, chances are you are wondering what plugins should I install before I start blogging? First, a word about Jetpack. What is Jetpack? It is a “package” of Plugins. It is basically a set of plugins that are helpful for blogging and so they packaged them all together and pre-installed […]
What kind of Blogs make Money?
What kind of blogs make money? Popular ones! That is the simplest answer! Traffic converts to making money blogging. Besides being popular and having lots of traffic, WHAT you blog about is important, and some topicsdo better than others. But it is not the topic that drives it, it is the audience. So to determine […]
How much money can I make Blogging?
How much money can I make blogging? – this is a really common question that, well…doesn’t get asked much! If you have a blogger friend, it is like asking them how much they get paid at their job! No one likes to tell. You might try and “Google it”, and you could find some blog income […]