Your friend shared another article on Facebook and the title, again, made you curious enough to click through, hoping the promises of the killer headline would be fulfilled. However, you quickly see that it is another slapped together post that, while trying hard, didn’t really do a whole lot for you. The problem was that the content was lacking. It was just okay. You skimmed most of it anyway, looking for something to take away, only to give a shoulder shrug, click off, and move on.
If you are a blogger, like me, chances are you would love for people to stop by and check out your latest (and greatest) post for more than a few seconds before moving on. You want them to love you so much that they spend ten minutes of their precious time and read the entire post. After they are done with the post, you would love it even more if they actually took the time to comment or check out another blog post or two (or three). Ultimately, you would do a victorious fist pump in the air if they then signed up for your email list, bought a product you sell, or followed you on their favorite social media channel.Us bloggers really like having fans, especially loyal ones who are gonna stick around, interact with us, share our content, and buy whatever we’re selling.
But, if we’re like that article our friend shared that let us down within only a minute of clicking over to it, we will never get the true fans we’ve been praying to get.
If you want a huge blog following, having tens of thousands of email subscribers and social media followers, then you need to be sticky.
My friend Kelly of is a skilled writer. Her blog isn’t the fanciest I’ve seen and her pictures are almost entirely made up from stock images. But her posts? They hook you in with a story you keep thinking about after you’ve clicked away. You hang onto her every word, dying to know where the conclusion to the problem lies. She does not disappoint and you really want to share the fantastic post you just read, and get notified of every new thing she writes because it’s just that good.
The most amazing thing about her blog is that she posts very infrequently, puts in only part-time hours, has never taken a sponsored post opportunity, and still makes a good full-time income on her blog.
And I’m totally jealous. The (Reformed) Idealist Mom has mad skills.
The good news is that she’s sharing her knowledge with everyone with her FREE 3-Step Sticky Blogging e-course. Her next session begins Monday, November 2, and registration ends Sunday, Nov 1, 11:59 pm CST and it is the last time this course will be offered for free!I went through it myself and can vouch that you’ll get a ton of new practical tips and tricks for converting your visitors into fans who join your newsletter, share your posts, and like your Facebook page. She knows how turn visitors into fans, how to make people stick.
And that’s exactly what is needed to build a blog following that will really matter, that will really convert.
No one wants to keep clicking through those dumb posts on Facebook that fail to deliver an amazing read. Make your visitors oh so glad they clicked.
I love your “fist pump” visual haha. Made me laugh. I hope I can be a good writer and grow my blog, too. I think I will try this course! I’m in EBA too, but I’ll take all the help I can get. I have started using more stock photos. I should probably use more. Thanks for posting about e-course!