Your friend shared another article on Facebook and the title, again, made you curious enough to click through, hoping the promises of the killer headline would be fulfilled. However, you quickly see that it is another slapped together post that, while trying hard, didn’t really do a whole lot for you. The problem was that […]
Content Creation
How to Brand Your Personal Blog to Stick Out From the Crowd
Two years ago, there was an estimated 152 million blogs on the internet. I can only assume there are nearly double that many blogs online now in 2015. With such a flooded market, it may seem like it’s not worth your time or effort to create a personal blog or website, but I really wish everyone […]
How to Know If You’re Cut Out to be a Blogger
“Oh, you’re a blogger? That’s nice.” Whenever I tell someone that I blog, most people seem to have no idea what it is I do. Sometimes they know someone who has a blog, and often it is a family update blog with pictures of that’s person’s home and family. Others know blogs because they pin […]
How to Create a Killer and Compelling Blog Headline
I am not a blog headline expert. I really wish I was. I wish that every title I created exuded a sense of urgency to be read, but that’s just not the case. But, as I continue to blog professionally, I realize more and more that having a killer blog headline is often the key to growth, […]
How to Grow a Successful Blog
I love blogging. Absolutely love it. It’s so much fun to write about things that resonate with people, help them better manage their homes, educate them about great new products, and speak to their souls. I love all the comments and shares I receive and am grateful, and humbled, for every single one. And I […]
The Keys to Successfully use Round-up Posts to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
I don’t know anyone who hasn’t seen a round-up post from Buzzfeed titled something like “28 Ways to Fix Stuff Your Kids Ruined” or “27 Household Cleaning Tricks Every Parent Should Know.” Buzzfeed is well known for their epic lists for all sorts of random things from entertainment and celebrities to parenting and homemaking to […]
You went viral, now what?
So you had a post that went viral, huh? Congrats! It is a pretty awesome feeling. And while I would like to tell you it is all rainbows and unicorns, it is not. There is some bad that comes with the good. Here is what to expect with a viral post: Lots of love Chances […]
Blogging for a Cause | Using Your Blog to Help Others
One of the great things about a blog is the potential for it to reach far and wide. And, this is really great news for people and organizations who like to help others. If one small blog post goes viral or gets picked up by a larger news organization, it can change the entire course […]