I don’t know anyone who hasn’t seen a round-up post from Buzzfeed titled something like “28 Ways to Fix Stuff Your Kids Ruined” or “27 Household Cleaning Tricks Every Parent Should Know.” Buzzfeed is well known for their epic lists for all sorts of random things from entertainment and celebrities to parenting and homemaking to […]
6 Cures for Your Case of Blogger Social Media Fatigue
It’s happening again. It creeps up on me, usually taking me by surprise, and then it crushes me. The fatigue…the crushing fatigue of the constant “self-promotion” on Social Media that is part of my job…as a blogger. And I’m just going to be honest. There are times when I am on a high. I feel […]
BoardBooster: The Easy Way to Drive Traffic Indefinitely to Your Blog
Everyone wants to figure out a way to drive traffic to their blogs, and with the least amount of work possible. That’s why I have to tell you about BoardBooster, the Pinterest scheduling tool. Pinterest is my and many bloggers’ favorite social media tool because it drives a ridiculous amount of traffic to our sites […]
Brand your Blog with a Killer Design from the Start
A friend of mine launched a brand new, from scratch blog TODAY! I asked her to write, a few days before launch, how she was feeling and share with us the things she had done to launch her new blog with flair, and visually express her brand! And so I hope you will support Stephanie […]
5 Perks of Being a Blogger!
Hey, let’s just have some fun today and talk PERKS! Because you know we would not choose to be a blogger if there wasn’t some perks! There is a lot of hard work. It IS a job. But it comes with some upsides that I in particular really love! Blogger Perk #5 – You’re not […]
How Do I Make My Blog Secure From Hackers?
I personally have not had anyone hack my blog. Which I am very happy about! But it is a really big deal when it happens. I want you to know how to make your blog secure from hackers. Why do they want to hack your blog? sometimes just for sport they want to steal your […]
5 Decluttering Tips for Bloggers
There’s something about a new year that gets us into the organizing and decluttering mode. Out with the Christmas tree, in with the Erin Condren life planner. Right? My website has primarily focused on deals the last four years, and 2015 will bring a slightly new direction for which I’m very excited. If I had […]
Tax Tips for Bloggers
Tax tips for bloggers was originally posted on Clarks Condensed. Disclaimer: This information is provided on an information basis only. Katie is not a tax expert, and even though Bruce Barker is, this is general advice about blogging and taxes. Do not consider this as a consultation on your individual needs. Pleas consult a tax […]